Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Group Trip Planned!

Greetings to everyone out there on the interweb! It has been awesome to hear all of the positive feedback from the new website....thanks again Adam! Really cool to see our small idea grow into something like this.....very humbling.

Over the past several months we have had quite a few people ask when we are going to take another trip over and also ask about possibly joining us on it. The idea of getting a group of young people to travel with us has always been a goal of mine, so after figuring out a few details we have decided that now is a good time to plan our first ever group trip to kenya! I think it is awesome that because of all this we have people coming to us asking to travel halfway across the world to help out cool! So this December-January, we will be taking a month long trip to nakuru, kenya to help renovate a community soccer field of a team we helped on our last trip in 2007, as well as work in the community with the street youth. Our main goal will be to provide a safe place for children from all across the city to come and play soccer.

We have 4 people already booked ready to go and are willing to take 2 more. So if you or someone you know is interested in traveling to Africa to play some soccer and help others all at the same time, contact me!!

Due to the cost of this project, we are asking for your help. The renovation of the field will cost around $5,000 US and the cost for each person on the trip will be around $3,000. So in total we are looking at about $15,000 for this trip. We are saving money of our own as well, but we will need your help and support to make this trip a reality! We will be hosting several fundraisers during the summer that we would love your support with! We are not asking for alot because as I have seen in the past, every dollar counts! If you are willing to help out in anyway please visit our donation page on our website or email me with any questions!

With your donation we will send you a complete packet recapping our trip upon our arrival. We will also send you the bio and photo of one special child that your generous donation helped during our stay! We will also be creating a special trip page on the website soon so you can track the progress of our goal to raise the $15,000!

Thats all I have for now so thank you for the time and looking forward to speaking again and seeing what the future holds!

k4k Out

1 comment:

buddz said...

Glad to hear you are planning a trip again! I know you can and will make a big difference renovating and building soccer fields.