Monday, January 18, 2010

Early plans for 2010

As 2009 was a record year for Kicks4Kenya and with that came growth to points I never thought we would reach. With that we are trying to develop new ways to be more productive and effective with the resources that we have. We want to make sure that as much of the money being donated is going towards soccer equipment and not things like shipping.

Our first step we are taking to our new goals is trying to set up a donation base so we have an idea of our operational budget each month. Obviously all donations are accepted and greatly appreciate, however we are asking if you are thinking of donating to Kicks4Kenya, to consider spreading that donation out to be given monthly. It will help us schedule our programs and activities and also with requests if we have an idea of how much money we will have coming in on a monthly basis. Right now we do not have an option up on the website for this but if you want to send me an email explaining what you want to do I will send you an invoice every month as a reminder. Thank for your understanding.

We are also working on partnering with sports equipment companies in Kenya so that your donations will not only give the children proper sports equipment, but also will help their economy.

I will update everyone more as we develop new ideas but this is what we are starting with for now. Once again thanks everyone for your generous support and allowing us to do what we love to do! Hope everyone has a great 2010!

K4K Out


Tony said...

I understand you get soccer equipment to the kids in in Africa. Could I ask how you go about getting all the kids playing soccer? I want to take the Pure Game leagues to places like Kenya and would like to talk to some one within your organization about it,

Follow Us! said...

Email for more information